Senin, 15 November 2010

Natural Disasters Mount Merapi

Natural Disasters Mount Merapi

Indonesia is a vast country. Which consists of the mainland and lautan.negara Indonesia also has a rather large mountain. And one of the mountain that is still active today is a mountain located in Istimewah Yogyakarta Sleman district.

Merapi has a peak altitude of 2968 m and the forest area around the peak to be Mount Merapi National Park area since 2004. Merapi development in four stages: The first stage is Pre-Merapi (up to 400,000 years ago), which is part of Mount Aunt who can still be seen on the eastern side of the peak of Merapi. Old Merapi stage occurs when Merapi began to form but not yet conical (60000-8000 years ago) .. Next is the Middle Merapi (8000 - 2000 years ago), characterized by the formation of high peaks, like Mount Gajahmungkur and Batulawang, which is composed of andesite lava. Merapi peak now, peak Anyar, a new beginning to form around 2000 years ago. In its development, is known to occur several times explosive eruption with VEI 4 based on the observation tefra layer.

The mountain is very dangerous because in every 2-3 years will blow off steam magmahnya and the largest eruption occurred between 10-15 years. Karna by PVMBG know that within the bowels of the earth terdapatruangan huge mud containing material which can inhibit wave singnifikan earthquake vibrations, the material of the magma.
And in 2010 the mountain has increased the alert status. On 21 October 2010 gunungpun status changed to standby and the residents moved pengungsian.keputusan place was taken because the increased activity shown by the high frequency multiphase earthquakes and volcanic earthquakes that occur. And continue to vomit hot clouds that are not regular. The next day the mountain out lava that comes with the heat clouds that mangisyaratkan that the new phase of the magma has reached the hole sanggat kawah.Erupsi large explosive eruption clouds and create a pool setiggi 4 km and cloud bursts of heat control every aspect of the foot trim is coupled with a roar very fast.

At 17:02 o'clock occurred the volcanic eruption that ejects material at 1.5 km which hit the village of kepuharjo kecamatancangkringan sleman.dan claimed 43 people and a baby who died because of respiratory disorders. Volcanic ash rain while a very dense and dangerous for the respiratory sanggat hit until purwokerto and cilacap and memcapai tasikmalaya, bandung and even now reached bogor, and the other is the danger of cold lava flow. And destroying all existing houses and rice fields in the area. Increasingly taken the lives of very many, but society is not only material loss but the most severe trauma they mengalai very large. It was caused by a very scary incident that happened sanagt fast and they also have not to anticipate them. All of the Indonesian nation was crying kanra disaster, a terrible disaster and harm our society. Grief grief yogja Indonesia, the Indonesian people because it gives all the help that can alleviate the suffering of the refugees who can be saved.

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